Prof. Fabiano Ferreira, Ph.D
The Rev. Fabiano Ferreira is a scholar in Biblical Studies and a specialist in the three original languages of the Bible: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, and has a Th.M. in Systematic Theology and a Ph.D in Old Testament. He is married to Maria Antonia Gallete Ferreira and they have three sons: James Gallete Ferreira, Jason Gallete Ferreira and David Gallete Ferreira. On December 29, 2009 the couple celebrated 25 years of a happy marriage. He lives with his family in the United States.
In his dissertation, he proposed the construction of a bridge over the so-called gap between theology and science using the concept of infinite of the German mathematician Georg Cantor and his theory of the transfinite numbers to rethink the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity in the Athanasius Creed and to present a fresh answer to the questions raised in the Trinitarian controversies of the 4th century.
He also received his Ph.D. in Old Testament from the same institute with the thesis THE INTERFACES OF THE EXEGETICAL METHODOLOGY APPLIED TO THE OLD TESTAMENT: FROM TEXT TO SERMON. In his thesis, he analyzed the interfaces inside the contemporary exegetical methodology applied to the Old Testament, establishing the mutual impregnation between translation and exegesis of narrative texts, prophetic texts in poetical genre, and poetic texts proper of the Hebrew Bible. He also considered the place of the Septuagint as an aid to translation and exegesis of the OT, based on the fact that the LXX was the first exegesis and translation of the OT and was responsible for almost all the constellation of concepts and theological terminology that appeared in the progressive revelation of the New Testament. The main purpose of this thesis was to show how those interfaces in the OT exegesis can serve to the task of preaching relevant sermons from an old text to a contemporary audience. As the apostle Paul showed to the Corinthians believers the best way to use the spiritual gifts, establishing the way of love, so he tried in this preliminary investigation a better way to go from the Hebrew text to sermons.
Of course, after the advent of Libronix and Logos 4 Bible Software, it is plausible that he would include a chapter in his thesis about the RE-ENGINEERING THE WAY OF OLD TESTAMENT EXEGESIS WITH A COMPUTER ASSISTED APPROACH. In fact, it should be other thesis and has been developed in the ANNUAL THEOLOGICAL CONFERENCES OF WRATCH.
Today, he has been teaching OT and NT exegesis using his Logos 4 Platinum. As of Biblical Hebrew, before that approach of Waltke and O'Connor, he uses the new Linguistic Non-Linear Phonology theory to teach his students how to read Biblical Hebrew and understand the rules of syllable formation, word formation, and the contemporary Linguistic approach applied to Morphology and Syntax. After that, he uses Discourse Grammar to study all the genres of the Hebrew Bible, since narrative to poetry, going deep in the way the biblical authors of the Hebrew Bible use words to communicate God's Word. Through this functional approach, the text (discourse) is a unit and in it the traditional grammar sequence MORPHEME-WORD-SYNTAGM-CLAUSE-SENTENCE-PERICOPE should be studied backwards TEXT (DISCOURSE)-PERICOPE-SENTENCE-CLAUSE-SYNTAGM-WORD. Of course, Phonetics and Phonology are the basis to the study of any language. He is working in the the writing of the first volume of his PARADIGMATIC GRAMMAR OF BIBLICAL HEBREW and is using Non-Linear Phonology approach to teach how to read Biblical Hebrew. The use Discourse Grammar permits us to rethink and rewrite Waltke & O'Connor and all the traditional grammars.
Curso de Hermenêutica II
Reengenharia da Interpretação Bíblica:
Análise Intertextual de Apocalipse
Através do Uso das Novas Tecnologias
Aplicadas aos Estudos Bíblicos
(Logos Bible Software 4)
Dia 15 de janeiro de 2011
na FAIT - Faculdade Iguaçuana de Teologia
Nova Iguaçu - RJ
Despite the deeply divisive spirit that has caused so much pain in the denominations throughout the centuries, there has been much evidence of God's grace as well. People on both sides have reached out in forgiveness and love. While many leaders have worked to make the believers leave their own local churches over their disagreements, we work to make them stay. In addition, we try to make them continue to be committed to living together and working together in this part of the body of Christ. Despite the variety of different positions and viewpoints held by members of the denominations, we think it is still bound together by a deep commitment to respond to the good news that our world belongs to - and is being redeemed by - our faithful God.
In the unity and empowerment of that conviction, WRATCH members join in an amazing variety and scope of ministries. We have cooperated in the projects of many other denominations. Among them is the recent translation into Portuguese of the magnum opus of Dr. Bruce K. Waltke, Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax. The Presbyterian Publishing House, of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil, released on July 1, 2006. This translation was accomplished by the Rev. Fabiano Antonio Ferreira, the Rev. Adelemir Garcia Esteves, both members of Work of Restoration of All Things Church, and the Baptist Prof. Dr. Roberto Alves. The Rev. Ferreira was the organizer and the main translator and revisor of the translation. The team spent three and a half years working hard to accomplish this project to provide pastors and students that are primarily Portuguese speakers with this excellent work, so that they can improve their abilities to interpret and preach the work of God from the original languages with the necessary precision and accuracy. In fact, we believe that there is only one body of Christ, the Church, which expresses unity in diversity and diversity in unity.
God bless you all!
Grace and Peace!
Prof. Fabiano Ferreira, Ph.D
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